
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

albusteve3/25/2010 9:57:17 am PDT

Democrats’ health care overhaul (including the still-pending reconciliation bill) nearing the finish line would apply a 3.8% Medicare tax on investment gains earned by upper-income households starting in 2013. Along with a partial expiration of 2003 tax cuts at year-end, rates on long-term capital gains and dividends are due to jump in two steps from 15% to 23.8%.

in a couple of years, the heats gonna get turned up on upper income earners…stealing from Peter to pay Paul with Medicare…continuous rise in premiums…oh my…and people are pissed off now…raising taxes on capital gains is theivery imo…how soon before estate taxes go up again?