
Pamela Geller Associate John Jay Calls for Mass Murder, Then Feels Abandoned

iossarian10/05/2011 9:09:28 am PDT

re: #826 Naso Tang

Honest discussion does not constitute calling disagreement trolling.

Step 1) NJD brings up talking point: “Mitch McConnell offers vote on jobs bill, Harry Reid blocks it”.

Step 2) Multiple posters point out that the vote was tied to a piece of legislation which the House had already promised to block, so effectively would have killed the legislation. Harry Reid counter-offered a separate vote on the jobs bill, but McConnell refused, thus demonstrating that the talking point is bullshit.

Step 3) Instead of acknowledging that his talking point is bullshit, NJD deflects to “lefty celebrities” - the usual Jane Fonda stuff.

I don’t mind NJD posting on here, but the pretense that he argues in good faith is just that.