
LGF on Glenn Beck

Florida Lady4/16/2009 5:51:39 pm PDT

re: #826 4k78

Okay, honest question here, who is an acceptable conservative here? Whether it is an elected official or pundit or whoever, who is it? Beck is now persona non grata. Recently I saw negative comments about Michelle Malkin and Hot Air. I know that Jindal and Palin aren’t acceptable either. Also Rush and I’m sure Hannity. Did I miss anyone? Personally, I like aspects of all the above people. I’ll never agree 100% with anyone. It just seems like there’s a lot of “eating of our own” here. My 2.

I was just thinking the same thing. Is there anyone out there we can get behind so we can take back Congress in 2010 from the lunatics who now hold it hostage?