
The Bob Cesca Podcast: George Tiller the Baby Killer

Florida Panhandler7/14/2022 8:03:52 pm PDT

Can we stop pretending Putin is not a full-on fascist?

Putin is using minorities inside Russia as cannon fodder for his woeful war in Ukraine.

The term “Russian Nationalist” fails to convey what Putin and the rest of his regime represent. They are full-on fascists, fully on par with Nazi Germany. The discovery of extermination camps is really the only thing yet to be officially discovered, but no suprise when they are eventually uncovered.

No wonder Putin is a hero to our right wing here in America. He is fully at war with democracy itself. He actively oppresses and eliminates minorities in his country. He measures personal manhood as the means to conquer others, preferably with violence.

Never mind that Putin is the worst military commander in the history of the world. Or that he also ranks as easily one of the worst at state leadership sitting on untold $ Trillions in natural resources while his large population starves and has a economy about the size of Italy. The only thing that really matters is that Putin is a violent thug. And that is what our Republicans value most.