
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/07/2010 11:45:13 am PDT

re: #49 Charles

Now up to 14 hate mails.

I would like to pen a response to those mails.

Dear ignorant bigot.

We at LGF feel for you. After all, it is tough to make one’s way in such a difficult and threatening world where so many people are different than you. They are so often, better educated and vastly smarter than you. Their presence certainly shines a light on your painful inadequacies. We understand that up until recently, you could still maintain an illusion of superiority because of incidental factors like your pink complexion and a belief that when the Constitution and the declaration of Independence talked about rights for all men, of course it only meant white folks like you.

But the world changed and left you behind. We know that hurts. So many of those people who are smarter, better educated and more successful than you are well not white, and not Christian (or Christian in name only, they think that Jesus meant be good to everyone, but of course you know better!).

Where does that leave you though with your obvious privledge of just assuming that you and other ignorant racist bigoted trash like you own this nation stripped? We understand your pain.

We are happy it hurts. We hope that you will use it as a motivator to stop being arrogant, ignorant, racist and whiny, but rather actually go out and be a better person.

Lizards everywhere.