
Mark Williams: It's Impossible for Tea Partiers to Be Racists

EdDantes7/15/2010 12:08:30 pm PDT

re: #66 jamesfirecat

Because the south wanted to have their slaves count as a full person so that they could have more representatives in the Congress.

Where as the North responded with “but they aren’t people they’re slaves, you can pass ownership of them through sale, just like you would a donkey. Are we going to start counting donkeys to determine how many seats each state gets in congress?”

The South wouldn’t join if the salves didn’t count for something, so both sides became equally unhappy with the 3/5ths agreement, but they could live with it.

Excuse me while I shed a tear for how southern slave owners weren’t given more legislative power/representation in congress while I play the worlds tiniest banjo…

Isn’t that what I posted?