
Right Wing Xenophobia Goes Wild in Alabama

Orange Impostor6/09/2011 11:43:40 am PDT

Focus on the Family, since they haven’t had their name in the news enough lately, brings its brand of stupid bigotry yet again:

Focus On The Family Leader: Why Not Have An Ex-Gay Pride Month?

A self-proclaimed “ex-gay” official with Focus on the Family’s California affiliate, in response to Los Angeles’s recognition of LGBT Heritage Month in June, has called on the city to create a day honoring “ex-gays.” The Focus chapter, called the California Family Council, earlier this year slammed anti-bullying initiatives for allegedly “push[ing] a homosexual message” and attacked efforts to incorporate gay and lesbian historical figures in the school curriculum.

Speaking to the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow, Jim Domen, who leads the CFC’s outreach to clergy and was a staunch supporter of Proposition 8, said the government should honor people like him who “changed our lives” by becoming ‘ex-gays’
Domen contends the city is essentially siding with those working to reverse that initiative, which upholds traditional marriage in the state.

“We continue to see this in our government leadership,” he laments, “and it’s heartbreaking when the people have spoken and yet elected officials will — via their power or what have you — choose to go against the will of the people.”