
Gawker Releases Huge Cache of Romney Financial Documents

Killgore Trout8/23/2012 11:36:02 am PDT

re: #83 CuriousLurker

LOL, okay, if we’re going the conspiracy theory route how about this: The RNC starts next Monday. Romney’s not doing well—the religious right is pissed over Akin, Ryan is tied to killing Medicare & extreme abortion legislation, people still want to see Romney’s taxes, and he’s still a flip-flopper & uncharismatic, tone deaf super-rich guy who’s not very likeable.

Hmm, who would benefit the most right now from a distraction that turns out to be a big fat pile of nothing?


Of course if the Romney campaign wanted to have some fun they could have “leaked” the documents with a few Easter Egg surprises to discredit the partisan hacks who fall for them. There are many reasons to be cautious about this story and the people hyping it. By all means, feel free to knock yourself out but I doubt this is going to be anything aside from a source of outrageous outrage.