
Overnight Open Thread

realwest6/01/2009 8:19:44 am PDT

re: #727 Flyers1974

You mention the Greens and extreme leftists. Each party has its extremes and yet still manages (at least from time to time) to do the right thing despite those extremes. It is not unreasonable I think, to assume the average Democrat on the street is not an unmovable opponent of nuclear power. The gentlemen a few posts up mentioned CT as having a plant and I happen to know NJ and PA do as well. Those are prety Blue states. Is it possible that there is an issue at play in addition to the Democratic opposition? For example, I’ve been to Vegas maybe three times over the years and I remember the Yucca Mountain issue being in the papers. I wonder if with respect to nuclear waste, the “not in my backyard” syndrome, which has little to do with partisan politics is a big factor here.

Take a look at this map (courtesy of albusteve) and tell me where NIMBY seems the strongest, Blue or Red states?