
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

No Malarkey!10/20/2009 8:45:35 pm PDT

re: #777 Nadnerb

I am somewhat surprised that Townhall allows this, because Dennis Prager and Michael Medved are very fair minded and, I think, honest people. I used to listen to Hugh Hewitt until I started driving my TT again-it dosen’t get any reception. Hugh always had Glenn Reynolds on and I think, Charles, you’ve labeled him “Chickenshitpundit” for good reason. They’ve got Gallagher who I think is a sincere semi-nut. Prager and Medved, though, are voices of sanity and fairness in that bog-like group.

Medved is a creationist who’s in bed with the Discovery Institute, a dominionist funded organization which promotes anti-evolution pseudo-science.