
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

The Dude5/06/2009 8:11:05 pm PDT

It’s tempting to me to give the post a “thumbs up” for calling out SoCons for their role in the perceived demise of Republicans. But it seems more likely to me that it just happens to be the Democrats turn now. I really didn’t see McCain as a particularly staunch social conservative, yet he still lost. Then again, McCain didn’t strike me as much of a fiscal conservative either (and Obama is?), so expound as you wish on the role that played.

All in all, I read a lot of hand wringing on conservative blogs about who’s to blame for President Obama. It’s always the ’s fault. I’ve reached the conclusion that it comes down to nothing more than the fact that voters are fickle. We’re on the leftward swing of the political pendulum now. I don’t like it, but it won’t stay that way forever. I voted for neither McCain nor Obama myself, so I guess it’s easier for me to say that than it is for the party purists.