
Video: Reinstated Bishop a Holocaust Denier - Update: Also a Truther

NY Nana1/25/2009 5:02:23 pm PST

re: #792 iam7545

Sounds like Boston. My parents zt’l could not buy a house where they wanted to until I was 13, in 1951.

My favorite uncle was a Catholic.

When I was growing up, the one ‘benefit’ of restriction was that we all lived in the same area, making it much easier to see each other every day. But my Mum zt”l started a Brownie troop when I was a kid, as the other troops did not want Jewish girls.

By the time I was a Girl Scout, it was open to Jews.

Quite a few memories. I am so grateful that my kids and grandkids know no restrictions, but the way Jew hate is escalating world-wide, and with Hussein in office, Shrill as Sec. of State, and the odious George Mitchell? I worry a lot.

My cousins were not admitted to certain universities, even though they were over-qualified..unwritten restrictions. The same with classmates in High School…quota systems.

I trained as an RN in a Jewish hospital, as at that time, neither the Mass. General or Childrens’ Hospital in Boston accepted Jewish students. My oldest male cousin graduated from Harvard Magna, yet ended up at Tufts Med. School.

Something in me makes me worry that Hussein will cause us to go back to these days, when both he and his bitchy wife made it because they are minorities..we have yet to see his records from Columbia, and Michelle got a job through graft…

/Ain’t easy being a Jew.