
Got a Big Hamas Fish

HoosierHoops1/15/2009 1:54:59 pm PST

re: #844 midwestgak

Oh, dear. I need a mop to clean up all the drool.

Here’s a bucket too. Thanks vx//:)

So check this day started off bad when global wireless connections started refusing to dish out DHCP. Last week we had a Cisco core switch go down so of course my attention was on the infrastructure side of the house.
6 hours later and systems dropping faster than the the Colts in the play-offs..It was looking bad.. By chance somebody noticed a primary cert on the 802.1x secure network had expired globally. Thus authentication becomes center stage. When we logged into the Cert server nobody could remember the p/w for wireless WAP’s. The guy that set it up is wooking for Google now…
So for another 8 hours we mess around creating pvk keys for primary keys that would match a secondary certificate in a server store..No luck
At midnight a caller on our conference call figured it out and downloaded a fresh primary.secondary, key cert that authenticated to WEP, WAP and allowed TLS packets to pass on..
Today i spent most of the day deploying new certs..
/You’ll pry the 30” Dell from my cold dying hands