
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19748/14/2009 7:44:22 am PDT

re: #753 Kenneth

Oh for crying out loud! Stalin had zero education in the military arts and until he became Secretary General of the USSR, and declred himself “Marshal” he never held rank in any army. His idiocy as a military Commander in Chief exceeded even Hitler’s.

He was a Marxist-Leninist Communist. No escaping that fact. He was also ruthless, paranoid and a towering Narcissist. Communism seems to attract that sort of person.

Although, even Churchhill gave great respect to Stalin’s ability to understand the implications of extremely complicated military operations. Regarding I think, the telling of the proposed invasion of N. Africa to Stalin and his reaction, Churchill said that Stalin was one of the few men alive who could have so quickly and thouoghly understood the military and political consequences of this operation.