
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

Nerdy Fish11/07/2013 6:43:36 pm PST

re: #75 HappyWarrior

What’s struck me is how insane the religious freakazoid nutjobs are getting. I mean in the past, yeah it was vicious and nasty but man it just seems to get more and more stupid. We’ve heard that ENDA’s somehow going force people to be gay and Bryan Fischer has demons for housemates. John Edwards may have been right about there being Two Americas but I think the Two Americas are actually one that uses logic and reason to figure its way around this world of ours and another who thinks the Inquisition was too liberal.

It’s driving a lot of people away from Christianity, and deservedly so. If churches are going to be preaching stupid ideas like Dominionism and Prosperity Gospel and Ooga Booga Stan Around Every Corner, they’re getting their just desserts. I have a lot of complaints against the modern Christian Church as a collective, and I’m a believer; how can I expect non-believers not to bring the same level of criticism or more?