
Image of the Day: Baby Gorilla Bonds With Mom at Brookfield Zoo

bratwurst12/30/2013 8:20:38 pm PST

I spent 3+ hours on the phone with Comcast today trying to hammer out issues related to my recent move. They charged me $100 to send someone over to my new pad to transfer my service…but that price didn’t include the information that I would be getting a brand new account, including a new user name needed to access voicemail etc. online. When I suggested that being unable to use my voicemail for a whole week entitled me to a little price relief, the nice lady told me that this was a free service Comcast provides and is not part of what I pay for phone service!

Now that I own a home, I do have the option of Direct TV. Anyone have experience with them, especially their “bundled” services with other providers? I truly despise AT&T (but require a “land line”) and it looks like I would have to do business with those fuckers if I were to make the switch.