
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/09/2014 2:02:51 pm PDT

re: #80 Killgore Trout

Well, then I’m swinging in a “very wrong direction”.

From trying to research my ancestors one of the few bits of insight that I’ve come away with is how ordinary everyone’s involvement in conflict appear to have been. Most everyone was involved in this-or-that conflict.

One of my discoveries is that one of my 6th great grandfathers died in the French and Indian war. He was relatively wealthy at the time, estate owner, many slaves, etc. So why did he go off to war? It’s not written down, but there were many who joined in that effort, which had everything to do with colonial powers jockeying for influence.

I’m not sure there are any “high grounds” in war. Maybe some less-horrible reasons to go to war, on a relative scale. In the end it is just about humans killing each other for control (often of land.)