
Yet Another Bogus Story About Clinton's "Email Scandal" Collapses

Backwoods Sleuth4/01/2016 1:42:36 pm PDT

Not an April Fool joke:

And on Tuesday, Cruz sent a letter to the Department of Justice arguing that it has mounted “frivolous” FACE Act prosecutions of anti-abortion protesters like Newman (who was charged under the act in 1998 for obstructing a Washington, DC, clinic) and should use the law to protect places of religious worship.

In a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the senator from Texas and his Republican colleague Mike Lee of Utah wrote that the DOJ is engaging in “warped and biased enforcement” of the FACE Act. When the FACE Act was debated in Congress in 1994, the House and Senate agreed to a Republican amendment to extend the protections given to abortion clinics to places of religious worship as a concession to help pass the bill. Cruz and Lee now allege that the DOJ has ignored the religious protections of the FACE Act, focusing unfairly on prosecuting the anti-abortion movement. They noted in their letter that the webpage for the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, which enforces the FACE Act, links to several FACE cases tied to abortion providers, but does not list any prosecutions tied to places of religious worship.

Trying to think of what places of worship to which Cruz may be referring?

The letter (PDF)