
Breitbart Audience Reacts to Larry Wilmore's Speech With Huge Outpouring of Ugly Racism

Charmingly Persistent5/01/2016 2:03:48 pm PDT

I just read something really sad - I feel a bit sick actually. Maybe this is satire. I hope it is satire.

But if not - this is the next step in the Bernie revolution:

They are just so clueless about how the world works. Oceans of disappointment and disillusionment are in their future. This part alone:

March 2017

Announce all 400+ candidates
We will make announcements prior to this when we reach 10 and 100 candidates, fueling our volunteer base and donations each time.

Our candidates will be working people from many backgrounds and fields who:

Are good at what they do.
Are proven servants to their communities, families, friends.
Have consistently passed on opportunities to sell out.
In general, have never held or sought public office.
Agree completely on a unified economic, social justice, and climate change platform.

I had a friend who ran for congress once. It took over his life and his family’s life for almost a year. They were exhausted and frustrated and much poorer when it ended (with his defeat). The idea that a group of enthusiastic kids is going to be able to find 400 such people - let alone people who agree with them on everything - it beyond ludicrous.

And they want people who have never held office before! Just to add another layer of nonsense to the ridiculous cake.