
"Letter to Electors:" a Last Ditch Effort to Persuade Electors Not to Vote for Trump

Decatur Deb12/14/2016 12:38:57 pm PST

re: #77 coin operated

And I an Infantry Medic. Let’s put this in perspective by reading my first comment…the wingers have been promising us armed rebellion for years. So far…the government has coddled these fools and their romantic notions of rebellion. I’ve been saying, loudly, that if Obama was half the tyrant they believed him to be, we would have mopped Malheur up with firehoses and dental records would be required.

What I’m trying to convey is this…we’ve heard these noises for a while, but I highly doubt they’d ever organize in large enough groups to have positive action. If they did, we would call it what it is…armed rebellion…and I don’t think it would last long if treated as such.

Watch the PMCs like Blackwater/Xi/Academi. When they become part of the domestic norm, shit’s getting real. Of course, Eric Prince has no ‘in’ with the new admin.