
Samantha Bee Profiles the Many Nazis Running as Republicans: Fascists to Watch 2018

Dangerman8/16/2018 2:13:25 pm PDT

re: #75 lawhawk

Ron Reagan on Trump’s Omarosa Tweet: ‘Imbecilic Psychopath’ Is Dragging Presidency ‘Through Gutter’

1. Trump hired said “imbeclic psychopath” claiming he hired the best people. This speaks to his lack of character/judgment than hers.
2. Omarosa taping everyone interacting with her exposes how everyone around her were imbecilic psychopaths who should never have been near WH.

- i didnt know the context of the tweet so i assumed reagan was talking about trump being the imbecilic psycohpath dragging the presidency through the gutter