
Bob James: Tiny Desk Concert

silverdolphin5/27/2024 2:04:58 pm PDT

Well, I am back home from the hospital after a very exciting weekend. Everyone in the family got it from the grandaughter but ine was epic. As I mentioned, I has something like norovirus last week – Wednesday evening: throwing up, Thursday to Friday: bad diarrhea. Then, while the diarrhea stopped Friday, I had an Afib episode start, likely due to dehydration (I lost almost 10 pounds!) So I drank a lot and I thought was resolving itself but no go. On Sunday I felt awful.

So I went to the emerency room and they were able to shock my heart back into rhythm. But the bood tests had shown something more ominous. My kidney (yes, I only have one) was in sad shape, showing all the signs of acute kidney failure. It had not dealt well with all my body’s water going through my large intestine rather than itself.

Now I had been drinking liquids and had started peeing again so I had not been worried before the tests. Now I was very much so - for those curious, my GFR (how well the kidney is at filtering) was down to 22% of normal! My kidney was not happy but I figured, the doctor agreed and history has shown I was right, that this would correct itrlsef with hydration.

So I spent the night in the hospital getting lots of fluids and today’s tests show I am almost back to normal. I got discharged about noon today and am back home. Gotta drink a lot of fluids and get another bood test in a week,

But a simple stomach bug almost did me in. Crap I hate getting old.