
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))6/20/2024 1:43:57 am PDT

re: #85 Romantic Heretic

I finally got an answer from the purity pony I’ve been ‘debating’ about voting third party.

He’s voting third party, he claims, to ‘send a message about corruption’. Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain.

you can do things like that in a parliamentary system. An awful lot of populist parties gained a lot of votes in Europe through protest voters.

These populist parties have almost never been part of any government, so they can campaign on promises and rhetoric rather than record.

Two nations that where the populists actually lost seats in the EU parliament (Slovakia and Hungary) are ones which have had such governments in power.