
The First LGF Obama-Jindal Poll

SteveC2/24/2009 9:42:07 pm PST

This could come back to bite Michelle in the butt:

Michelle and friends send the poor packing….

Barack Obama’s wife and three close advisers have been involved with a program at the University of Chicago Medical Center that steers patients who don’t have private insurance — primarily poor, black people — to other health care facilities.

Dog bite patient sent home

The child’s mother alleges that she was pressured for insurance information, and the implication is that her medicaid status contributed to their decision not to perform surgery.

And when she was discharged, she was told to follow up “at Cook County.”… When she did (promptly) present at County, the child was operated on. This implies to me (though not conclusively) that this truly was a patient dump, that the University chose not to or did not have the resources to care for the child and just sent them away, hoping that they would become somebody else’s problem.