
Onion: Obamas Out of Touch with Americans

Pianobuff10/03/2009 3:29:49 pm PDT

OT: My Life This Weekend

My wife went with the MIL down to San Diego to visit a cousin for the weekend.

Great for me, because I have some cues I need to finish for a Sunday night review so I can work undisturbed… that is except for my two little girls (chihuahua and Toy Manchester) who are no problem at all.

Mother-in-Law gets here last night. Turns out she brings her male min-pin (Mr. Burns) with her. Wants to know if I can watch the dog until her son picks him up this afternoon. What do you say, he’s already here, right? So..yeah…fine.

Wife and MIL leave early this morning. Dogs are out at 7:00 and 11:00. I’m chugging along… things are going great - but I’m getting tired so I decided to take an hour-long nap. Phone rings about an hour. Son is on his way up from Long Beach to pick up Mr. Burns - will be here in an hour or so. I get up, go to use the restroom, and Mr. Burns is spreading diarrhea all around the bathroom floor. Every piece of carpet, mat, has something on it. I’m a little annoyed. Clean up what I can and gingerly take an armful down the hall to the washer/dryer in our building. Come back and…no Mr. Burns. I’m legally blind and miss a lot of things, so he must have snuck out the door somehow.

I find him at the far end of the building around a couple of corners. People are ticked. Turns out he’s pissed little squirts on everyone’s door. Back to get cleaning stuff. I go door to door cleaning. Finish up and get back to the washer and move the stuff to the dryer. Son-in-law is here and takes the dog. I’m thinking thank God that’s over. Go to use the bathroom and he left a new pee puddle on the bathroom floor. Clean that up and go to the bedroom to change my shirt. Piles of Mr. Burns diarrhea in the bedroom. Parting gifts, I guess.

It never ends. Ever have one of those days?