
Not a Good Day for the GOP

kirkspencer10/20/2009 10:03:37 am PDT

re: #18 SixDegrees

I won’t be getting my hopes up, but perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call: quit pandering to the lunatics and start conducting yourselves with decorum.

Unlikely. The problem with the generic poll is that the politicians aren’t elected on the generic but by the local voters.

Thus McKinney and Bachmann get re-elected even after spewing the crazy. In large part it’s, “Yeah, they’re crazy, but they’re OUR crazy.” As in, there’s a concentration of people who think the crazy is somewhere else. “I’m sane, those who think like me are probably sane, and it’s the rest of the world that is crazy,” is a pretty universal belief.

So no, I think we’ll see a lot of Republicans re-elected. In fact I’m guessing we’ll see them pick up as many as 20 seats in the house (that could change over the upcoming year but it’s my current guess).

That, despite only 20% of the people trusting Republicans.