
Michelle Malkin's 1994 Big Tobacco Recruitment Drive

Spare O'Lake4/27/2010 7:18:32 pm PDT

re: #50 Obdicut

You could ask this about any risky behavior, though, including promiscuous sex and riding a bike. It turns into a rather complex calculus quickly, and I don’t see where that gets us.

I’m more asking, though, why anyone thinks prohibition is possible. Smoking is a terrible thing, the worst fucking decision of my life, and a part of me would love to see it made illegal. I don’t, however, want to let my emotions overrule pragmatism, if making it illegal would have overly negative consequences and not actually achieve its goals in the first place.

It would “stem” the tide. Most would comply and the rest could be fined with the money used to educate others about the risks.