
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: The NAACP is a 'Vile Racist Group'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/14/2010 1:19:29 pm PDT

re: #55 Killgore Trout

In the world of science and mathematics, an “exponential” function is one defined as an item whose value changes in proportion to the actual value.

I propose we are now seeing this in the hate-o-sphere. They are all trying to outdo each other in differentiating themselves from whom they see as the enemy - the modern society and its presumed poster boy - President Obama.

We’ve heard this in talk radio over the years - one shock jock after another trying to outdo each other.

Beck tries to outdo Limbaugh, who then tries to outdo Beck, etc.

Exponential processes lead to “runaway”, as in nuclear fission.

We are seeing the American old right, the ugly-o-sphere, starting to really get going now.

It’s extremely emotional and not intellectually based. But our society has done this before - both “Great Awakenings” were religious fervor run wild.

IMO it’s anti-modernism in a western flavor, as opposed to other versions of anti-modernism around the world.

We knew is was going to be a long summer, and today it is quite warm in SoCal. As the elections draw near why won’t we continue to see more of the Grabar type of idiocies?

As Irenicum pointed out in the Pages:
we now have out and out racists running for local office, in the North not the South, who are campaigning on their white nationalism.

What’s next?