
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

What, me worry?3/23/2011 11:34:09 am PDT

re: #61 Darlington

That’s a strawman. I didn’t say that Israel should do nothing. My opinion is this - Israel should find the persons or groups responsible, and hold them to account.

Hoping that the IDF “hurts them bad” is hoping for the conflict to flare up and cause even more deaths.

I have not one ounce of respect for Muslims living in the territories. Not a hair. They are radicals bent on destroying Israel when they could be living side by side, trading and enjoying a great economic boom. Gaza sits on the Mediterranean. Think of the tourism. Instead they make their choices to kill. And no, sorry, Israel will not lay down as much as the world hopes they would.

Recently I was reading an article here

from one of the Pages written by a Palestinian living in the U.K. who is critical of the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. It’s very good, although the Arab world will ignore it for a multitude of reasons.

I am not anti-Muslim or anti-Islam and I have been very vocal in my support of American Muslims. I believe that in my heart. But I will give no sanction to terror. I don’t care who it comes from.