Comment Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Kragar7/30/2012 4:34:05 pm PDT

Kevin Swanson Nostalgic for Time when Homosexuals faced Death Penalty, Wants ‘Miss Piggy on a Bun’ for Chick-fil-A Decision

Swanson: A Christian perspective ultimately brought the death penalty upon homosexuality between roughly 350 AD and roughly 1850 or so, for about 1,500 years that form of life had pretty much been eliminated except here and there, it was in the closet, but it was almost unheard of for over 1,000 years, until recently. Of course, now you have a massive, massive increase in this kind of thing.

Swanson: I say this is a really bad idea for somebody to stand up against the laws of God. Realize that this is a brave venture, this has been about a 30 year plan, a 40 year plan maybe, to completely consume America with a pro-homosexual agenda, and I just don’t think it’s going to last, I think you are going to see Jesus Christ coming up against this kind of thing, as we have said already about the Joe Paterno case.

Buehner: It’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s on looking that tolerance only runs one direction, you only can tolerate gays, you can’t tolerate those who don’t support gays.

Swanson: And Kermit the Frog is not eating Chick-fil-A either.

Buehner: No, they’re pulling out. Chick-fil-A had an association with the Muppets, a Happy Meals kind of thing. But Kermit the Frog doesn’t want to be there anymore, turns out that Kermit is not that interested in Miss Piggy, maybe he’s interested in another frog.

Swanson: Maybe Dan Cathy should consider doing a frog filet for one of the sandwiches.

Buehner: A frog filet?

Swanson: A frog filet, by commemoration of Kermit the Frog pulling out of his support for Chick-fil-A. Dave, you know that Sesame Street and the Muppets are going to take the sodomy route. I don’t know, do they support NAMBLA? I’m not sure, we should ask, we should ask if the Muppets support NAMBLA.

Buehner: I don’t think the frog filet will sell, just a little marketing advice, I think Miss Piggy on a bun, that’s a better bet, the winner.

Swanson: Miss Piggy on a bun, that sounds good, a fried pig on a bun.

Buehner: Sausage, a little bacon.

Swanson: Piggy on a bun. Well folks, it’s good news we have some organizations like Chick-fil-A.