
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

Salamantis1/31/2009 7:20:10 pm PST

re: #856 Kaboomboom

You say that like it’s a bad thing. :)

Believing the book of Revelation isn’t unusual among Christians. If one believes the rest of the Bible why would they not believe the last part?

I don’t think you really understand what the Book of Revelation is. Lemme clue you in…

There was a seditious revolt against Rome afoot in Israel at the time, led by the Zealots. The Book of Revelation was written by Zealots or Zealot sympathizers as a revolutionary tract against the Roman Empire, but, to avoid dire repercussions, it was written in a religious codespeak that would be transparent to the Jews of that era, but opaque to the Romans. For instance, remember the beast with seven heads and ten horns? The seven heads were the seven hills of Rome, and the ten horns were the ten legions of the Praetorian Guard. It was all about the imminent liberation of Israel from Roman rule, an eventuality that proved to be not so imminent, as a glance at Masada will tell you.

BTW, if evolution is the force that advanced life on Earth to where it is, where are all the mutations?

The hosts containing the genetic mutations that were successful in their environmental niches multiplied and passed their genes into the common pool, where they became characteristics; those that were not successful were environmentally selected against, and their hosts died before they could reproduce.

Logically, every species should be continually evolving to the next highest level as part this 24/7 natural force. All of the intermediate stages of transition should be easily observed. Mutations though are considered odd.

Unless we fail to reproduce, we are transitional forms. If we do not reproduce, we are evolutionary dead ends.

If people routinely observed a reptile on its way to being a bird, or a gorilla on its way to being a man then we would not be having this discussion….

It typically takes many thousands of generations for speciation to occur, so if you’re looking for it in animals whose generational cycles are measured in anything longer than hours, you’d better have discovered the Fountain of Youth that Ponce de Leon missed. But the evolution of Lenski’s e. coli bacteria can be reproduced at will, and the evidence of common ancestry, and thus evolution and speciation, is to be found in the DNA residing within every cell of every organism on earth, including you, specifically the shared spliced-in artifactual retroviral sequences