
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

SanFranciscoZionist8/22/2010 10:34:21 pm PDT

So, one of my college friends is having total kidney failure, due to her lupus, and she’s had to take a lot of prednisone, which is leading to horrible face puffiness and breaking out. She says she looks like Jabba the Hutt after having slept on a bacon pillow.

The problem—if this wasn’t a problem enough—is that one of our friends is getting married in October, and she’s in the wedding party. We’re hoping she looks better by then.

I suggested that if it doesn’t look promising, instead of the sari she has bought, she could wear a chador and a niqab.

She says I’m an evil genius, but feels this might be distracting to the wedding guests.