
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton6/01/2009 8:22:12 am PDT

re: #843 FrogMarch

No worries. We can all get a job working for the government.

Yes, we could be one of the lucky 60 people at Casa Mia (a non-profit job training program in Denver) to learn how to winterize (which Excel energy teaches me each month with a pamphlet in my bill).

Did you see the local article? What amazes me is that these 60 people have already been selected, set up and will probably be offered laborer-styled jobs, and yet, this was NEVER a publicly announced program, something that you or I could have known about and applied for.

Programs like this are what the federal government call “demonstration projects.” They are used so they politicians can go back and say “see what we are doing,” when in actuality, the full programs never get started, it never becomes anything else than a PR stunt.