
Overnight Open Thread

Killian Bundy2/16/2009 7:10:38 am PST

re: #851 Render

Navy Times (which isn’t the official Navy version) reported that the Dove was the primary pulling beast in the extraction, and hasn’t retracted or changed their story from last week. It (M/V Dove) does (reportedly) have a lot more towing capacity then the local navy tugs.

The Navy, being somewhat touchy about the Dove’s capabilities and uses, hasn’t confirmed or denied. I wouldn’t expect them too any time soon either.

Given the Port Royal’s role in BMD, I suspect the Navy might have hooked up a carrier or two to get the Port Royal unstuck, had the Dove and its covey of smaller tugs not done the trick. They would have torn that ship in half to get it unstuck if they had too.

Rumor has it that a decommissioned Spruance class hull may be used for parts in the repair job, should hull repairs prove necessary.

There were pictures leaked of the US sub that slammed into an underwater mountain. Mayhap we’ll see pix of the Port Royals hull when it’s in the dry dock. Or maybe not…


/so I don’t need to further update any of my three installments?