
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

Kragar7/19/2011 10:19:53 am PDT

Bryan Fischer loves him some Herman Cain

For some time now, I have been virtually the lone voice in America urging local planning and zoning boards and city councils to refuse to authorize the building of mosques in their communities. After all, a building “permit” implies “permission,” does it not? If permission can be granted, it can be withheld. What part of “permit” do folks not understand?

I at last am no longer alone. When asked on Sunday by Chris Wallace of “Fox News Sunday” if any community can ban a mosque if it chooses to do so, Herman Cain replied, “They have a right to do that.”

He pointed out that the reason for this is that there is no “separation of church and state” in Islam. “Islam combines church and state,” said he.