
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton2/21/2009 8:30:22 am PST

Maisey the Parrot has been acting out lately.

A few weeks ago, our local supermarket had the most expensive parrot food on sale at 1/3 the price, because it appears that they are discontinuing that brand.

So, I purchased the two 4 pound bags that they had left, since the total price was less than the 5 pound bag of less expensive stuff.

Well, this parrot food has a lot of different items that parrot like. Most parrots like, it seems most parrots EXCEPT Maisey.

So, I’ll put her food bowl in the cage, half filled with this new and wonderful product, I go and sit down, and behind my back I hear…

Slop, throw, scatter, plunk (chestnut), slop, throw, scatter, plunk (almond), slop, throw, scatter… nibble (peanut)… and then CLUNK… (food bowl has been moved).

She’s thrown half the food out, and then, she moves the food bowl so it’s hanging by only ONE clip, at an angle, so she can get to the smaller softer seeds in the bottom.

She’s lazy. She doesn’t want to take the time to break open the chestnut and almonds and other hard shelled food stuffs.

It’s good for her, it’s good for her beak, it’s good for her coordination, all those things. No, Maisey wants to play couch potato, and just go after the crunchy easy stuff.

She’s wasting my excellent money saving purchase.