
GOP Rebranding Watch: House Republicans Vote to Deport DREAMers

Mattand6/06/2013 1:15:20 pm PDT

re: #83 Bulworth

Well I was just talking out of myass as usual..

Guess he’s not lacking for ambition.

Believe me, I’m the last one to condemn anyone for sphincter-based oration.

And I wasn’t exactly thrilled to see him elected. The few Tea Party mouth breathers we have here had an indirect hand in getting him elected. They went apeshit all over the late Democrat John Adler at public meeting over The Deth Panelz and the Sekrit Mooslim not fixing 8 years of economic damage in less than 18 months.

I got that from someone high up in the Burlington County Democratic Party. Adler started voting against Obama to save his job. And it still wasn’t enough for the people in our district.