
Stephen Colbert on Iowa's Gun Permits for the Blind

Decatur Deb9/10/2013 4:35:00 pm PDT

re: #79 A Mom Anon

Oh Jehovah God help me. I have been in a facebook argument with a conservative female jackass over the last several days now and the stupid got to be more than I could bear. She Won!!! Or something. I was as respectful as I could be, but I’m still rude like a liberals. When she’s the one who came in calling liberals lazy idiots and calls the President, oh this is mature, ovomit. She won’t capitalize it even. And his trusty side kicks, John Effin Kerry and Hildabitch Clintoon. Oh she’s a clever one, yes indeedy. Husband retired military, currently living at their third(paid off) home in Canada. Where ovomitcare is causing her insurance to go through the roof.

I had to abort the mission, I was nice even til the end. I told her she was nasty and hateful, but you know, I’m rude. I normally avoid this shit like the plague, but she started in on hard working people being stupid because they give all their money to the government. She went on and on about being sick of HER country being taken over by progressive commies. When I pointed out it was OUR country not hers, I was the rude one. Asshole, hope one of her horses throws her into a lake.

With the truly brainlocked, here is better strategy: Ramp up the dialogue quickly to some crazy Trotskyite paleoMarxist shit. You’re not trying for a ‘win’, you’re going for an aneurysm.