
Alleged New Audio Recording of the Shooting of Michael Brown Surfaces: 11 Shots Audible

ausador8/25/2014 11:24:23 pm PDT

Well by the morning I am sure some of the internet tech wizards will have it slowed down, enhanced and mapped on a shot by shot sound graph showing shot timing to the millisecond.

I don’t think the police would lie about the shot in the car though, especially since the St. Louis County Chief confirmed that they “found evidence of that shot” inside the SUV.

re: #79 goddamnedfrank

Sig 226 and 229 hold 12 in .40. The +1 won’t come into play unless the officer makes a habit of topping off a magazine after stripping off a round. If one round was fired inside the SUV then it adds up. Might add up anyway, since the second rapid fire group in the recording is difficult to count accurately, at least 4 shots there, could easily be 5.

This would explain it nicely, damn I need to go find a video of that press conference…