
FBI Head James Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Publicly Announce That Trump Lied About Obama "Wiretapping" Him

Scottish Dragon3/05/2017 3:27:53 pm PST

re: #77 Timothy Watson

What’s Comey end game? Does he really expect Sessions to come out and call Trump a liar?

I expect Sessions will announce a criminal investigation of Hillary and Obama in the next few days. They are not going to back off of this now. They can’t. They are going double or nothing.

This is going to utterly destroy any hope for the GOP legislative agenda now as it sucks all the oxygen out of the room and enrages the GOP/Trump base for the spectacle they have been screaming for: seeing Democratic leaders accused of criminal acts by a Trump White House and forced to answer to federal agents and questions and possible indictments.

This also now provides a counter-narrative for whatever info we get next on Trump and the Russians. They can claim they have a criminal investigation of Obama for staging info etc and it is all Obama’s fault. The #Obamagate meme is already all over the place. 30 years from now, wingnuts will still hold it as utter truth…and we watched this brazen fabrication being made in public in real time.