
Seth Meyers "Creepy" Edition: Trump Backs Roy Moore; Charlie Rose Fired for Sexual Harassment

Dangerman11/22/2017 6:48:14 am PST

re: #86 Targetpractice

“Problem”: Black players are kneeling during the Anthem rather than standing with hand on heart, showing “disrespect” to the flag and to our veterans.

NFL solution: Keep players off the field until after the DoD-mandated pageantry is over so as not to have images of kneeling players on TV.

Trump solution: Kneecap the entire league by benching players who won’t follow the orders of white owners and a white president to show “respect.”

My solution: Drop the flag and Anthem bullshit, tell the DoD where to shove their money, and tell any fans who complain where the exit is.

Right on target

Will you be my president?