
John Oliver Digs Into Police Interrogations

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/18/2022 5:46:35 pm PDT

I wrote this four years ago, 2 years before Covid.

I still remember how afraid the rednecks were of AIDS in the 80s, and for many years afterward. I knew people who thought you could catch it from swimming in the same chlorinated pool as someone who was HIV positive. Fear of HIV has faded but nothing has really changed.
The goobers still have their superstitions. High blood pressure is an example. I swear some of them think it’s contagious. Others believe, in direct defiance of federal standards and medical judgement, that high blood pressure can cause you to fall over dead with no warning, crashing any vehicle you might happen to be operating. Yet these same morons refuse to get flu shots or vaccinate their children. Antivaxx is the method by which the non-rational population will self-eradicate. To hell with compassion for the ignorant. It can’t happen soon enough.