
Seth Meyers: Bombshell Report Says Lindsey Graham Threw Trump Under the Bus in Georgia Case

silverdolphin1/25/2024 8:48:57 pm PST

re: #82 Targetpractice

It’s always the same bullshit, always the same bait-and-switch. Scream that we’re being “invaded,” that the “hordes” are at the gates, and that we need to “do something.” So immigration reform is proposed, dealing with the reality of millions already here and millions more wishing to move here. Cue squealing that we can’t talk reform until we’ve “secured the border” and “removed all the ‘illegals’” from every state.

Then you ask them what they’d propose to do if that hypothetical situation were ever reached…and they admit they still wouldn’t talk reform, because their goal was only ever to get Dems to agree with them to kick all the “illegals” out.

Biden is removing 3.5 times more migrants per month than Trump did. He could remove more if they gave him more judges. The number of undocumented migrants has not changed in a decade - about 10 million, Those coming across are not undocumented and they are being removed. There is no invasion and no open border.

So why does everyone believe the liars? I blame the media, where many of the MSM still call them illegal migrants instead of reporting they are following the law and this lawful migrants.