
Thursday Afternoon Open

Tamron1/15/2009 4:18:05 pm PST


The anti-gun lobby is now pushing for legislation to register and control all small-arms AMMUNITION in the country, a major step towards the registration and confiscation of our private weapons themselves.

The “Ammunition Accountability Act” is currently being pushed in 19 states — Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, California , Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.

According to the proposed law, nobody will be able to sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless that ammunition is coded. Furthermore, any privately held uncoded ammunition — including hand-loaded ammo — must be destroyed by 2011. They also plan to charge a five-cent surtax on each new round, so every new box of ammo you buy will go up by at least $2.50 or more.

Quote from their website: “Ammunition Accountability is a newly forming group of ammunition coding technology supporters. Our group includes gun crime victims, industry representatives, law enforcement, public officials, public policy experts, and more. We are working together to pass legislation to make ammunition coding technology a reality. Ammunition coding technology works by laser etching the back of each bullet with an alpha-numeric serial number. Then when a potential criminal purchases a box of 9mm cartridges, the box of ammunition and the bullets’ coding numbers would be connected to the purchaser in a statewide database. When a bullet is found at a crime scene, the code on the bullet can be read with a simple magnifying glass and then be run through a statewide database to determine who purchased that ammunition and where, providing a valuable investigative lead.”

Any private citizens owning non-coded (including handloaded) ammo after 2011, would be breaking the law.

By your necessary ammo purchases you would reveal exactly what caliber of weapon(s) you now own, which would greatly improve the efficiency of future gun confiscation.
