
The First LGF Obama-Jindal Poll

avanti2/24/2009 9:42:14 pm PST

re: #10 Syrah

We need to take a arms length look at Obama and this speech.

Obama’s great strength is that he is a god in front of a teleprompter and a television camera.

We may see him as being plastic and this speech as being “rehearsed”, but the bottom line is that the great middle of America sees in him, a man who has a well articulated vision of what a Good America would look like and what it should be.

I worry that too many Americans will not be able to look at Obama and see anything beyond the surface image nor hear anything that is not read off of the teleprompter.

You nailed it. He’s a frigging rock star, a salesman and could sell used cars on the side. If what he’s selling ends up being good, we’ll be fine, if not….

You can talk all you want about experience and the rest, but in the end, it’s personal appeal and political savvy that wins elections and gets legislation passed.