
BNP Leader Griffin: Climate Change is a 'Hoax', World Leaders Are 'Mass Murderers'

karmic_inquisitor12/17/2009 12:06:51 pm PST

China has manoeuvred COP15 into a stalemate, which is what they had aimed for.

They want Kyoto in place and simply renewed.

That gives them -

1) No emissions limits now or ever
2) Status as a developing country in perpetuity
3) Subsidies from “Rich Countries” (quoted because debt status is ignored when the word “Rich” is thrown out) paid to China.

They did this by riling up and simultaneously indulging G77 nations. China is the new USSR insofar as using the “non-aligned” states as proxies for complaint against the west.

China has been joined by India, Brazil and South Africa in coordinating this.