
Crack in the Far Right World

karmic_inquisitor8/21/2010 7:34:52 pm PDT

re: #82 The Shadow Do

Without taxpayer subsidy solar rarely if ever makes sense today. My son in law, the engineer, built a new home but waited until he had qualified for the limited availability of said subsidy (State) to install the system - which he is doing now. He lives in a solar friendly clime as well.

Home solar is simply is not presently affordable across the general population. Would you give a large tax credit to every buyer who purchases an electric or hybrid vehicle? Who would pay for that subsidy? How much damage would be done to the nations economy in such a scenario? The technology is not here yet.

Another issue on tax credit based subsidies - if someone is not making enough money to itemize it rarely makes sense. So the subsidy usually goes to high income households because they are generally the ones able to use the credit.

If the credit were refundable then the numbers would change for a lot of people.