
The Poster Boy for the Anti-Mosque Movement

hellosnackbar8/23/2010 9:19:04 am PDT

Well this painted 21st century version of Custer certainly demonstrates the comic character of the protests.
It might interest you to know that a large anti-islamofascist demonstration
is to take place in the city of Bradford this Saturday.(UK)
The demo is from the EDL(English Defense League);and due to police requirements will be static(as opposed to a march).
The EDL has recently trimmed its membership;banning all people who have links with the BNP(very wise).
They have also refused ties with other fascist organisations such as Vlaams Belang.
There will also be a counter demonstration by members of the UAF(unite against fascism by left wing fascists such as the SWP(socialist workers party;
an old fashioned Trotskyist organisation)and of course Muslims(mostly of Pakistani origin).
The EDL demonstrators will be wearing a pig’s trotter on a string about their neck(c.f.crucifix against vampires)to lessen the threat of assault from Muslims.(this will not deter the infidels of the UAF of course).
A recent outrage was the daubing of “Islam will conquer all” on a war memorial;not to mention Islamic dickhead Anjem Choudary calling returning
Anglia Regiment soldiers murderers on their return to the UK.
Muslims are pretty silly indulging in such insult;as normally peaceful Brits
are aroused by such action.
There’s trouble ahead which will only result in peaceful Muslims suffering
for the behaviour of their mad co-religionists.