
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

reginald perrin11/09/2010 3:26:26 pm PST

Tucker Carlson is outed as a troll. He was caught posing as Keeith Olbermann in emails.

Did Tucker Carlson perpetrate a hoax by posing as Keith Olbermann in a series of emails?

On Tuesday afternoon, a set of emails surfaced on the Philadelphia news site Phawker. Phawker said that the emails showed the “100% for real” correspondence between Olbermann and Philadelphia Daily News columnist Stu Bykofsky over the weekend…

… The incendiary emails seemed too good to be true — and, as it turns out, they were. The emails from “Olbermann” came from That’s an address that is not owned by Olbermann, but by Tucker Carlson, conservative pundit and editor of the Daily Caller website. In July, Carlson announced that he had purchased the domain name, and told Politico that people could email him at — the same address that the emails to Bykofsky came from.


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