
Poll: Romney Opens Wide Lead in Santorum's Home State

Targetpractice4/05/2012 1:45:12 pm PDT

re: #77 sean6886politik

Does anyone else think RMoney will choose a female to run with him on the ticket?
I know it sounds a bit crazy because of McCain/Grifter but with all this anti-women stuff coming from the right, he might use it as part of his Etch-A-Sketch plan to say, see women, I told you we on the right love you.
I wouldn’t have thought so before their war on women, but they are losing the women vote quickly.

Can’t really think of many women who could brought on the ticket that wouldn’t weigh him down further. Palin’s inadequacies as a candidate are a matter of public record. Haley’s approval ratings have crashed through the floor and begun tunneling to China. Brewer on the ticket would shine a light on all the scary shit coming out of Arizona. And I can’t really think of many other prominent women Republicans.